如果你是第一次听说Wealthy affiliate,什么是wealthy affiliate?2024最佳教程会让你明白它究竟是做什么的。我生活在中国,在7年前我开始了网上赚钱,我通过google了解到了wealthy affiliate,当然对于英语非母语的人来说,刚开始的时候很难明白什么是wealthy affiliate。
我们已经来到了2024年,我想将加入wealthy affiliate的一些经验分享出来,我会回答什么是Wealthy affiliate,以及我为什么选择Wealthy affiliate开启我的在线业务。
什么是Wealthy affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate是由美国的两个网络营销专家Kyle和Carson于2005年创办的在线培训网络营销社区网站,在本文中方便描述会将Wealthy Affiliate简写为WA。

WA的培训课程涵盖的内容包括如何自然吸引网站流量,如何形成自己的品牌、通过网站、社交平台来增加收益。WA拥有来自于全球190多个国家共計150多万的会员验证了affiliate marketing联盟营销的成功。
通过上面的介绍,相信你已经明白什么是Wealthy affiliate,接下来请看WA能给你带来什么吧,如果你想要学习网上赚钱,不可以通过下面的按钮加入。
Wealthy affiliate能培训什么?
WA是强大的,简单地说通过它的培训能教会你如何在网上赚钱,培训课程的内容包括网上赚钱和市场营销的一切东西,从建站工具,域名注册,虚拟主机、网站内容编写、关键词工具、互助社区、classroom等循序渐进的课程,针对不同学员等级有不同的课程,Wealthy affiliate本身也是一个非常棒的联盟,当然,你也可以通过WA来赚钱。
Wealthy Affiliate 这个网上平台是教你学会如何在网络上开启你的在线业务,不管你是什么背景、拥有什么技术、具备怎样的知识水准及经验,只要会上网,能写作,WA就能教你开始在线业务。Wealthy Affiliate在网上赚钱领域有很高的评价,主要基于以下几点:
- 新手入门培训(简单易懂,完全免费!)。
- 视频培训以及 Tutorial training, Classroom training and Courses。
- 你可以向其他会员求教、求助,并会得到社区成员的热心帮助。
- 13个完全的互动教室,内容从如何开始到最后如何收钱都有视频教程。
- 在线帮助,7/24小时都可以获得帮助。
- 免费会员可以建设1个网站,重点是不要钱。
- 安全问题不用担心,WA会保障的。
- 加入会员免费(有些营销联盟需要收费)
- 坚持学行和付诸行动,最终会成功

以上几点就是关于WA的优点介绍,你准备好了吗?加入Wealthy affiliate开启你的在线业务吧,下面是一些WA会员对对其课程的真实的评价:


Wealthy Affiliate是什么?
WA是一个教人们在网上赚钱的网站,它自身也是一个联盟,它提供了在线业务的各种工具、方法视频、和在线帮助等服务,并搭建了一个社区平台,方便Wealthy Affiliate会员相互交流学习。
归纳一下wealthy affiliate是什么?
- 拥有出色的affiliate marketing营销课程
- 集成WordPress网站建设平台工具
- 自带wordpress云主机托管平台
- 整合了关键词查询工具
- 本身就是独立联盟,你可用它赚钱
- 社区成员众多,汇集了各国喜欢在网上赚钱的会员,如:有做amazon、e bay、CJ、Clickbank、linkshare、shareasale等等,总之很多。
通过上面我介绍WA的特色,我们把它与市面上的任何课程、建站工具、主机、关键词工具、社区、价格因素等货比三家的对比,你会发现任何一点都极为出色的。据我很长一段时间的审查关于网上赚钱的网站,发现没有任何一家公司能超越wealthy affiliate的,对于像我这样母语非英文的人来说,我都毫不犹豫的加入了WA开启我的在线业务,你准备好了吗?
我适合做Wealthy Affiliate吗?
Wealthy affiliate为新手准备了初级的培训课程(affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs),你只需要遵循WA的引导,按照训练营的课程一步一步的进阶就可以了。所以说,WA适合于任何经验、年龄、国家的marketers,而且WA适用于手机设备、ipad等移动设备。
新手Wealthy Affiliate Youtube教程
Wealthy Affiliate 培训课程体系
Wealthy affiliate的培训是全方位的、系统性的及综合性的,针对初学者有入门培训视频,引领初学者入门,针对有一定基础的会员,高级课程可以满足你的要求。

在会员主界面,点击Training按钮,可以看到培训分为Online Entrepreneur Certification 和Affiliate Bootcamp,分别是入门的培训和高级知识的培训了。在线培训的方式有:
- 每周一次在线培训直播
- 问答环节
- 针对不同主题的分类培训课程
- 互动讨论
- 边看边操作视频培训
- 课程作业,加深你的理解
Wealthy Affiliate 工具介绍
Wealthy Affiliate为高级会员提供了很多工具,这些工具为你的在线业务提供了强有力的保障,可以帮你做以下内容:
- Jaaxy关键字研究工具
- siterubix快速建站(只需4个步骤)
- 高价值低竞争度关键词列表
- WA主机服务(2020年3月16号之后高级会员可以建10个网站)
- 3000+个网站模板可供选择,可建漂亮网站
- 快速写作工具(Site Content),包含了一个无版权的图片库,并且还有语法检查功能(方便母语非英语国家的人写作)
Wealthy Affiliate主机服务
WA 建站步骤
Siterubix 极简的4个操作步骤就可以建立一个wordpress网站,具体请看Building Your Website这篇文章有介绍,这在以往我们自己建站是不可想象的,WA的创始人Kyle的演示视频仅用了29秒就创建了一个网站。
记住这个万能的赚钱公式:你赚的金额 = 流量 * 转化率 * 佣金比例
在这个Content is king时代,而Content的关键点在于你要推广优化关键字。所以选择关键字时,Jaaxy会为你提供非常大的帮助。
Site Content工具
WA提供的Site Content是一个辅助你写作的工具,它可以进行英文拼写错误检查及关键词密度提示,并可以直接发布到你的利基网站中,当你有几十个站点时,就可以体会到它的优点了。借助WA的SiteContent,您现在可以简化整个写作过程!
Wealthy Affiliate社区
有了Wealthy Affiliate社区的支持,我们就不用自己学习建立网站,解决问题,一切都可以在社区里面得到帮助,当然得到别人的帮助后,也别忘记说声:thank you for help!
WA的社区会员活跃度很高,可以直接在Live chat里面发送你的问题,过不了一会儿,就会有会员为你解答。
Wealthy Affiliate 会员中心
- 365天24小时在线问答
- 互动讨论
- 在线问答时段
- 私聊社区专家
对于母语非英文的人来说,wealthy affiliate虽然是个英语网站、内容也是英语的,但这也不妨碍人们的沟通交流,就像我一样,我生活在中国,但很多时候我会借助google翻译来学习。当你加入WA之后,你也可以在WA社区你可以建立你的粉线群体,换句话说,你可以在WA上建立你的人脉网络,利用这个网络,你可以向这个网络里的会员展示你的网站和产品,每当你发布一条信息或者在此提问的时候,Follow你了的会员都会收到通知,会大大增加你网站和产品的曝光度。
每天都有很多新会员加入WA社区,其中不乏成功人士,我们可以通过WA社区结识他们,并从他们身上学习成功经验,你也可以将他们的成功经验在社区以training blog以及回答问题的方式分享给所有的会员。
- 学习他们的经验,你只需要阅读他们的博客文章即可
- 向他们提问,得到1对1的帮助和回答
- 打开他们的网站学习,并改进自己的网站
大多数人只是简单注册了一下,并没有采取行动,just do it ,否则你永远只是在google搜索怎样网上赚钱。
Wealthy Affiliate能做什么?
新手加入WA时可能有很多的疑问,例如:我怎样在wealthy affiliate开始在线业务?我怎样在网上赚钱?我怎样建立自己的niche网站呢?
其实,我要告诉你的是,刚开始加入WA时,你需要认真的学习培训课程,只要你明白了网上赚钱的原理,就会发现很容易在网上赚钱,你不要想得太复杂,Wealthy Affiliate培训课程和社区介绍了很多的在线业务赚钱方法,你只需要找到适合自己的方法即可。一旦加入WA,常见的有以下两种运作方式:
• 一种是根据你的兴趣和爱好选择利基关键字建立网站来进行网络营销推广
• 可以建立自己的niche网站
总结一下,简单来说,通过WA建立自己的利基关键字营销网站(Niche website),应用WA工具,你可以在你的网站上推广任何产品,同时可以在你网站挂上任何联盟的广告(如亚马逊,CJ、乐天、google联盟等)
Wealthy Affiliate的会员类型
Wealthy Affiliate 免费会员
WA的免费会员也可以享受到顶级的服务,当你免费加入WA之后,头7天可以得到7/24的帮助,可以与专家交流,开放了50个培训模块,2个培训教室,可以创建2个网站(二级域名),关键字工具可免费使用30次,完整的免费会员权益见下表所示 。
正如上面表格所示,WA的免费会员也是非常棒的,没有任何的隐形费用,非常透明。你可以使用WA提供的一揽子解决方案建立你的网络营销网站,为你解决了web host的问题、domain的问题、关键字工具、网站内容建设、affiliate marketing培训教程等等。
Wealthy Affiliate 主机

加入Wealthy Affiliate可以避免被骗
阅读到这里的朋友非常的幸运,因为你加入WA,可以使你远离网络诈骗项目,在WA的培训课程里面,它会教会你如何识别网络诈骗项目(Scam Program)。
新手在Wealthy Affiliate如何开始?
加入WA成为免费会员,不会花费你任何金钱,但是你却有7天的时间享受和高级会员一样的权益,在这7天里你可以查看WA的各类培训课程、网站建设工具及社区论坛,有充分的时间来体验WA的性价比,然后你可以决定是否升级为高级会员(Premium Member),首月有59%的折扣,也就是19美元,当然一个月后就会自动取消这个优惠。另外你也可以等到黑色星期5加入WA,到那个时候,通常的价格为$299/year。
Great overview of what wealthy affiliate entails. To be honest, this is a great post that is worth reading. I have heard a lot about wealthy affiliate and finally getting to read it here is massive to see. Thank you so much for sharing. Personally, I feel that the platform is legit and can help anyone to make some worthy income. Thank you
I have been looking for a way to generate income online. And these days where all of us have been sent home have left me in a position where I really need to start working online. So, I’m glad I found your site. It’s good to know their training is easy to follow and that their community is helpful. But what I like most is that they have a membership that’s free in which we can test drive by our selves.
First of all thank you so much for sharing such an excellent article with us. Your article is really informative and I gained a lot of knowledge by reading your article which is very helpful to me and I enjoyed reading your article. I have been working in the online world for a long time and personally I am affiliate marketing through the Wealthy Affiliate website and I am a successful affiliate marketer. I think the best place to make money in the online world is the Wealthy Affiliate website. Wealthy Affiliate Websites has provided me with many tutorial videos for learning affiliate marketing. As well as providing many tools to take my website to a good level I am currently successful in the online world .You must be thankful for your wonderful article .
I will definitely pass your article on to my friends and they will be delighted to take a Premium membership on the Wealthy Affiliate website and share their new experiences with the success of the affiliate world. Can I share your article on my social media?
Hi, Shanta
Thank you very much for leaving an honest review and you have succeeded in WA. I would love to see you share this blog post with your friends, plus your real experience, they will believe.
Thank you for sharing this article. all the discussion of WA is given very nicely here. since 4 years i am doing affiliate marketing through WA. by WA i am able to work from home. all the training of WA is so useful and elaborate;y given. anyone can understand their super easy lesson. i think affiliate marketing is very easy for girls specially. homemaker girls can easily do their business from here. i was a teacher in 2015. now i have left that job for kids and engaged myself to affiliate marketing through WA. WA is the best platform to work with and lets you make your own website for free of cost.
i will share this article about WA in my social media account so that other can know about the advantages and working process of WA which is described wonderfully here.
Hi, Sumaiya
Thank you for your wonderful comment, this job is actually suitable for people who like to make money online. But it takes some time, because you have to learn.
Thank you for such an informative article. I found your article informative and helpful too. One of my friends asked me about Wealthy Affiliate. I could not tell him a lot. I was searching for a detailed article about Wealthy Affiliate. I think your article is that. Now I can tell him about that or share it with him and hope that it will be helpful for him. I think it is helpful for me also. Now I want to work with Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi, Taufique
I’m glad my blog post can help you.
Well organized article even a person who is new to the online network business like me can easily understand what wealthy affiliate is and what they do at wealthy affiliate from the information laid out in your article. And for it to have 1.5 million members then it’s not a scam website.
Hi, Volkert
As you said, WA is not a scam site. There are members from many countries here, they are very enthusiastic and helpful.
I really appreciate this article. Your article has a clear idea of what is Wealthy Affiliate . Anyone who reads your post will know about Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you for sharing this beautiful article with us.I agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate training is very easy. I have successfully created my own niche website by training at Wealthy Affiliate. I’m a Successful Wealthy Affiliate Member. Currently my wife is also training on this platform. My wife likes triangles.For those who want to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate is a good platform. I hope they succeed too.
alam, You have a great wife, because, through training, I think she can help you succeed in WA.
Many thanks to you for sharing with me an interesting and Wonderful article. The main content of this article is the wealthy affiliate marketing platform. wealthy affiliate Marketing is a platform where you have everything you need to become a successful trader with training.There is a lot to say about the Wealthy Affiliate, but in a word, a giant platform for training the online world or bringing success to anyone.
I am a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate Marketing from where I participate in various types of courses and am currently doing affiliate marketing and have reached my doorstep of success by setting up a business.So those who have opted for success online must join the Wealthy Affiliate platform and enjoy the success.
Yes. No matter you are a newer or an experienced one, you can find what you need. It’s really a great platform.
Thank you so much for sharing such a great article among us. Honestly, I enjoyed this post very much. Here you have discussed in detail about Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate can be one of the best ways to earn online. Wealthy Affiliate popularity is increasing day by day. I’m with Wealthy affiliate for a long time. And I’m a successful affiliate marketer. Wealthy Affiliate has provided me everything. Wealthy affiliate training is good for beginners. Anyone can easily make a career in Wealthy Affiliate. I hope this information works for everyone. Thanks for presenting beautifully. I’m so impressed. I think this article is useful for everyone.
Lastly, I would like to share this post on my social media so everyone can know the Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks
Wow, a successful affiliate marketer. Congratulations. You must have done a good job. Looking forward to your sharing of your successful experiences. Thanks.
The fact that i have come to learn something tangible from this post is satisfying. The make of your website is nice and the simplicity of the color selection makes it beautiful. wealthy affiliate has proven to be the most reliable and stable platform to help online businesses grow. thank you
Thanks for your approval.
Hope more and more people who want to do online businesses know WA, join WA and do a successful business.
All I can say is wow what a lengthy and very informative post! Although you say your English is not good, it was still a great review and I understood everything. This is certainly a testament to WA’s training and how easy they make it for people whose English is not their first language. Well done.
Hi, Chris. Thank you.
First of all, allow me to say that if I didn’t know that English was your first language, I would not have known it from reading your impeccable article! I notice that you state that you started to make money with Wealthy Affiliates two years ago. I’m just wondering if this happened right away or did it take a while? Did you start earning the equivalent of a full-time salary right away? This all sounds so great!
Hi, Feochadan
It took me quite a long time, because I studied for a long time, because of work, I do n’t invest much time, but by this year, I have started to make money.
Thanks for the comprehensive explanation of what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. I have heard a lot of positive feedback from people that have joined, so decided to do some research and see for myself what this platform is all about. I have to say that I am impressed.
In reading through your post about all the training, tools, and features, it is easy to see why people rave about the site. It really appears to be an all-in-one solution. The pricing and free trial are also attractive and you have presented a strong case for me to give it a try.
You mention that you have been a member for quite some time (2019 I believe?). Have you been able to make a full-time income from your efforts to now? Is that reasonable to expect and if not, what do you think I could potentially earn working at this for say 12 to 15 hours per week? Any feedback would be helpful, thanks in advance!
Hi, Dave Sweney
Because my native language is not English, I spent a long time studying training courses in WA, and I also spend several hours on the weekends posting blog posts on the niche website created in WA.
In fact, I have started to make money now, but I still can’t earn a full-time income, but I will continue to update the website content on the WA and actively learn on the WA.
In addition, you mentioned that spending 12 to 15 hours a week working on WA, I can’t guarantee anything, because everyone’s situation is different, I think your native language is English, so you can start making money on WA faster, Just follow the WA course.
I started as a member of Wealthy Affiliates one week ago and the knowledge that I’ve received from the so far has been incredible. There is a fee for the premium membership, but there is lots of free material that is available as well and costs you absolutely nothing. For anyone who is skeptical, I encourage you to try it out for free and judge for yourself.
Your post here is a good one about wealthy affiliate. I like the way you have done this review of the platform is such a great way. It makes believe that I can get the very out of this working from my home. I also have to add that since I joined the platform a couple of days ago, I have enjoyed overwhelming help from the community. They are all so nice and helpful too. I hope that I am able to make so much on the platform.
Wealth affiliate is the best platform for any affiliate or internet marketer to be on or for anybody who wants to be an affiliate marketer. This platform offers so much more from training to support from the community, the training tools and the website hosting and so much more. It is just perfect for everyone. I joined the platform last year and trust me, I never regret joining it for once. Thanks
Thank you for the message. WA is a great platform.
I agree. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a great platform. It feels genuine, has all the training you need and the access to marketing community is really a huge boost. People regularly make laptop businesses with Wealthy Affiliate and some of them do really well. What separates those who succeed and those who don’t is really how much effort they are willing to put into their business. Wealthy Affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. But it’s a reliable platform to both learn and run your own affiliate marketing business.
Very detailed and useful post about Wealthy Affiliate. All the features of Wealthy Affiliate are described in detail, which will serve as a guidepost for newcomers in the field of affiliate marketing. I joined Wealthy Affiliate a few months back and yeah it’s amazing. You can feel you are at the right place right after you join Wealthy Affiliate without even spending a single penny.
The best part is that even if you are a free member at Wealthy Affiliate you will be able to learn a lot of stuff. The best thing that I love about Wealthy Affiliate is its community which is very supportive and motivating. if you have questions just ask in the question section and someone will answer that. If you feel in need of motivation just talk to people.
Wealthy Affiliate is more about learning and taking action and it is definitely is the right place for affiliate marketers.
Thanks for your informative post on Wealthy Affiliate, it definitely sounds like they really have a lot to offer for such a low price. I have been searching the internet for some time looking for a legitimate way to make money online but it seems like most everything you come across is a scam and I have been scammed over a few times.
I am excited to get into the training and so much more that you said WA offers, I understand that starting up a business online takes time and persistence, but I think that WA can offer me exactly what I am looking for, thanks.