排名 | 注册商 | com域名价格 | 优惠码 | 注册链接 |
1 | Namesilo | $8.99 | MECG982A | 购买域名 |
2 | namecheap | $8.88 | 购买域名 | |
3 | Name | $8.99 | 购买域名 | |
4 | domain | $9.99 | 购买域名 | |
5 | Uniregistry | $10.88 | 购买域名 | |
6 | Godaddy | $11.99 | ||
7 | $12 | |||
8 | wealthyaffiliate | $13.99 | 购买域名 | |
9 | networksolutions | $34.99 |
在namesilo中,您可以注册到最便宜的域名,例如com后缀域名。新用户可以使用优惠码节省 $1,并且每年仅花费 $13.99。
- 网站: https://www.namesilo.com/
- 优惠码:MECG982A , 注册,转入都可用
- 价格:com域名价格 $13.99, 优惠价: $13.99
- 注册视频教程: https://youtu.be/7BlL-dCj8pw
- 转入视频教程:https://youtu.be/ZXOM4v_s27M
wealthy affiliate

wealthy affiliate提供了强大而全面的搜索。Wealthy Affiliate的SiteDomains平台将立即让您在几秒钟内发现任何域。此功能将加速您的领域研究,并真正发现其中的一些真正的领域瑰宝。立即访问和购买.com,.net,.org,.info以及您所有其他喜欢的顶级域名。
- 网站: https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/
- 价格: com域名价格:$13.99
- 注册视频教程: https://youtu.be/TtuSe5SE0wo

- 网站: https://www.namecheap.com
- 价格: com域名价格:$8.88
- 网站: https://www.name.com
- 价格:COM域名价格: $ 8.88
- 注册视频: https://youtu.be/thlG1Ij4e_c
- 网站: https://www.domain.com
- 价格: com域名价格:$9.99
- 网站: https://uniregistry.com
- 价格:com域名价格: $10.88
GoDaddy Inc.是一家美国上市的Internet域名注册商和网络托管公司,总部位于亚利桑那州的斯科茨代尔,并在特拉华州注册成立。截至2019年3月,GoDaddy在全球拥有约1850万客户和9000多名员工。
- 网站: https://godaddy.com
- 价格: com域名价格: $11.99

Google Domains是Google提供的互联网域名注册服务。Google Domains提供域注册,DNS托管,DNSSEC,动态DNS,域转发和电子邮件转发。
- 网站: https://domains.google
- 价格: com域名价格: $12
Network Solutions,LLC是一家美国技术公司,是Web.com的子公司,Web.com是第四大.com域名注册商,截至2018年8月注册了6,722,545名。
- 网站: https://www.networksolutions.com
- 价格:com域名价格: $34.99
Hi, as you shared, I used the promo code shared in the post to transfer my domain name from GoDaddy to namesilo.
I transferred a domain name with the suffix of org and saved at least $ 10.
Thank you.
Hi! Great post about domain registrars. I did not know there were that many. The pricing and features you listed is great information. I have come across some companies that offer purchasing domain names from withing their software suites. ONe of them is ClickFunnels. The other one is Azure by microsoft. In Azure you setup your servers, databases, etc and can also purchase domain names. I will look into some of the ones you listed. Thanks!
You’re welcome, I’m glad to help you.
A lot of these are truly established brands as far domain registrations go. Some have even created a monopoly-like reputation such that consumers don’t even have to carry out any research in other to us their services. Namecheap particularly appears to be pulling a lot of weight. I have to say though, privacy protection is usually a vital determining factor for me. Great post
I don’t speak french but I’ve translated the web page.
I know all the mentioned Domain registry websites you mentioned. But what I loved is the way you explained each domain registry plus the chart used to break down the prices from highest to cheapest.
Really great webpage, the design is light and compact. You have a very great website overall. Keep going, Will definitely be visiting your site in the future for future updates. Thanks 🙂
Thanks for this thorough post on 2020 best cheap domain registrar ranking.
I found it very informative and helpful especially for us beginners who are a bit confused with the unlimited number of domain registrars company out there.
Reading your article, I found out that the most expensive domain registrar company is NameCheap compared with the others you’ve listed here.
I read somewhere on the internet that Wealthy Affiliate offers a fixed price for registering domain names with them and I was planning to pay with them. But is it the same with Namecheap? I mean if their renewal price is the same ($8.99)?
Hi, Sebastian
Thank you very much for your message. There may be some errors in your message. In this post, you can intuitively see that the most expensive domain name registrar is not namecheap but networksolutions.
Wealthy Affiliate also provides a very good domain name service. Currently, the price of registering a com domain name in WA is $ 13.99/year, and the renewal price is the same. In fact, the domain name provided by WA is just an additional service. You know, I think Wealthy Affiliate’s most important service is not a domain name, but a series of training courses and the entire community it provides.
The cheapest domain name service provider is namesilo. If you do n’t use a discount code to purchase a domain name, the original price is $8.99/year. Of course, if you are a new user, you can use the discount code provided in the post: MECG982A to purchase a domain name or transfer it to a domain name. You save $1 when paying and the price is automatically settled at $7.99.
You have listed a few domains that all have decent prices. Does price effect the quality of services provided by a domain? Which domain would you recommend for an affiliate and why? I have heard about Wealthy Affiliate, it has affiliate in it’s name, does that mean it would be a good website for an affiliate or is this just a name and it sounds good?
Hi, cajunchille
In fact, these 9 domain name providers are very well-known, so you don’t need to worry about the quality of the services they provide. All domain name registrars now provide security and free privacy services, except of course Godaddy, because Godaddy’s domain name privacy Protection is charged separately.
What I want to tell you is that I do not always choose a specific domain name registration service provider, but my main choice is to purchase domain names from namesilo, name.com, wealthy affiliate, godaddy, namecheap.
Wealthy Affiliate also provides domain name registration services, but this is not their main business. In simple terms, Wealthy Affiliate is a great community. Joining Wealthy Affiliate can learn how to make money online and start your online business.
Thank you.
I have been using NameSilo for a few years now and switched over because of my bad experiences with some of the other well known registrars. I agree with what you have mentioned in this article, nice work
I agree with you, in fact, I have transferred most of my domain names to namesilo.