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HostPapaの最も安いcomドメイン名はたったの2.99ドルです。最近、最も安いcomドメイン名を購入したい場合、HostPapaが最良の選択です。 わずか2.99ドルでcomドメインを購入します。



このサイトが提供する割引コードを使用する:MECG982A,新規ユーザーはさらに1ドルの割引を受けることができます。 HostPapaは今月、特別プロモーションを実施していますが、comドメイン名の登録にかかる費用はわずか2.99ドルで、非常に安価で費用対効果が高いため、ドメイン名を購入する必要のある人はすぐに行動できます。 3月22日までに、HostPapaで最も安価なcomドメイン名に登録できます。


HostPapaは独立したホスティングサービスプロバイダーであり、ホスティングプランにいくつかの魅力的な機能を提供し、主に中小企業にとって魅力的です。 もちろん、ドメイン名登録サービスも提供しており、3月にプロモーションを実施しています。comドメイン名を登録する予定がある場合は、急いで行動を起こすことができます。



HostPapaの最も安いcomドメインはたったの2.99ドル 1


ドメイン名を入力 & サフィックスを変更

HostPapaの最も安いcomドメインはたったの2.99ドル 2

上の図の2番目のステップを入力しますデフォルトはcomドメイン名です他のドメイン名が必要な場合は、ドロップダウンボックスをクリックして変更します。 終了したら、[検索]ボタンをクリックして次の手順に進みます。

選択解除Domain Privacy そして Protection Power Website Security


HostPapaの最も安いcomドメインはたったの2.99ドル 3

HostPapaは、namesiloのような無料のドメイン名プライバシー保護機能を提供しません。プライバシー保護が必要な場合は、$ 9.99 /年を別途支払う必要があります。comドメイン名を登録するだけですので、プライバシー保護とWebサイトのセキュリティ機能をキャンセルできます。 自動的に2.99ドルで決済されます。


あなたが新しいユーザーである場合、新しいユーザー情報を直接入力し、支払いに行くことができます。 通常のユーザーの場合は、ドメイン名を購入する前にログインすることをお勧めします。


  • インスタントアカウントアクティベーション
  • 24/7/365 サポート
  • リスクのないドメイン移管
  • ドメインネームサービス



comドメインのプロモーションに参加したいだけなら、できます。 プライバシー保護のために、購入したドメイン名をnamesiloに移管できます。 もちろん、価格は2.99ドルではなくなりました。 namesiloクーポンコードを使用できます。通常、新規ユーザーの価格は7.99ドルです。

新しいユーザー名siloプロモーションコード: MECG982A.


  • 3年の期間:7.99ドル/月(3年の請求額 $287.64)
  • 2年の期間:8.99ドル/月(2年の請求額 $215.76)
  • 1年の期間:9.99ドル/月(1年の請求額 $119.88)

28 thoughts on “HostPapaの最も安いcomドメインはたったの2.99ドル”

  1. it is a great and nice feeling to know that someone will create a great website like this and also create a write up on an article like this. i am quickly going to take advantage of this great offer from hostpapa. this type of discounts do not come easily. thank you for sharing this

  2. Wow🤩 this is great…never knew one could get a more or less free domain name,this is an offer that I cannot turn down because the price to get a relatively cheap domain name now is currently at 14$ so I think this would be great to try out, and for the domain privacy and protection power can they be gotten later or must be bought that instant?

    • Hi, David

      If you purchased a com domain name at HostPapa for $ 2.99 and don’t care too much about privacy protection, you don’t have to buy a domain name privacy protection.

      If you want to buy a com domain at HostPapa for a small fee, you can purchase it before March 22, and then transfer the domain name to another service provider that provides free domain privacy protection, such as namesilo, and that’s OK.

  3. Hi, admin.Thank you for writing a beautiful article.I’m a web designer. I work on online news portals including e-commerce, personal, business sites of different organizations. This is my domain, hosting is always required. I really enjoyed reading your article and found out that HostPapa is offering the domain and hosting payments at a very low cost. Since the cost of the domain hosting is very affordable, I will buy the domain hosting from here.Looking forward to more beautiful articles related to you in the coming days.I will share the article among friends. Those looking for domain-hosting should buy it here.

  4. Oh wow. That’s a steal. I think I picked up my domain name for fifteen bucks. That is almost free. Thanks for lettings us know about the promo! Although, with privacy protection, it makes the cost more competitive with other companies. I think it would be great for people who are flipping website domains and don’t care too much about privacy protection because they aren’t keeping the domain too long. 

  5. Hello

    This is a fantastic niche. Everybody is looking for a website and to own the domain makes it so much easier, because your own the content too. The cost is unbelievable, but I didn’t see if the cost would remain that way after a year of would it increase. Finding a domain host at an economical price will help more newbie affiliate marketers to get up and running.

    Great site, keep it up.

    Regards Tania

  6. Hi! I have been searching for a hosting company that delivers a good service at a reasonable price. And I think I’ve found it here. A friend had told me how happy he was about HostPapa about 4 months ago but I never took interest to research about them. But now that I’m urged to find hosting, I come across your site. Thanks for helping me find a good hosting site!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing a good article to know where I can get a cheap com domain, I found your article at the right time.

    I was telling my sister about the benefits to have her own website for her business, but she told me she would give it a try to learn about it, as she is new to this.

    She also told me she doesn’t want to put too much money on it as it’s going to be like a training site for her, so I think she will like this offer for her!

  8. First of all thank you so much for sharing such an excellent article with us .I have been working in the online world for a long time and personally I am a web designer. As well as I am working on online news portals with various business sites .In my work domain and hosting are always required .I gained excellent knowledge by reading your article because before reading your article I did not know that HostaPa offers domain and hosting payment at a very low cost. And I am interested in purchasing domain- hosting at affordable prices so I will definitely buy domain and hosting from here and hopefully I will make a lot of money. 

    I will definitely pass your article on to my friends and recommend everyone to buy domain-hosting from here. And hopefully they will benefit and share their new experiences with you .

    • Hi, Shanta Rahman

      What I want to tell you honestly is that HostaPa is not the cheapest domain name service provider, but before March 22, they were promoting. The com domain price was only $ 2.99. After March 22, the price Will return to 9.99.

      So you need to pay attention to these issues, and finally, thank you for your comments.

  9. Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your guide and find it very useful for everyone. I am working on online news portals with various business sites .In my work domain and hosting are always required .I gained excellent knowledge by reading your article because before reading your article I did not know that HostaPa offers domain and hosting payment at a very low cost. And I am interested in purchasing domain- hosting at affordable prices so I will definitely buy domain and hosting from here and hopefully I will make a lot of money.

    • Hi, Parveen

      Thank you for comment and you should note that the current price of $ 2.99 only applies to purchases made before March 22. After that, the original price will be restored.

  10. Thanks for sharing this informative article about “ HostPapa ” with us. I was thinking to buy a domain at cheapest cost. That’s why this article is very important for me. $2.99 it’s amazing, unbelievable. Also i have learned a lot about HostPapa A-Z. I have learned how to buy a domain form HostPapa.   

    Thanks again for sharing this informative article…    

  11. This really is a great offer which is almost free actually.

    It’s a good timing as I have been planning to purchase another domain  for the new niche project I am planning which hopefully pushing through this April . I’ll be watching out then for the start of its sale day on the 17th of Match.

    Thanks really for introducing such an unusual offer!

    Keep it up and all the best!

  12. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .I am a web designer where I work on online newsportals, including e-commerce personal and business sites from various companies.That’s why domain and hosting are always needed and without this domain hosting I can never work.It has been very affordable for me to call you to offer domain and hosting payment in a very short time.From now on I will be purchasing domain hosting from here.And I will share the article with my friends so that they can purchase domain hosting at a lower cost and they will share new experiences with you.

  13. Sorry I am not too clear from the article.  Can you clarify for me is this just to register the domain name or is it to host  a site with that domain name as well.

    I am pretty new to this stuff and finding my way around and I struggle sometimes with the language used and the assumption that everyone understands what they are reading.



    • Hi, Hamish58

      Thank you comment. The mentioned in the post is only for domain name registration, which means that before March 22, registering as a company’s domain name with Hostpapa, it only costs $ 2.99. However, it does not include hosting services, because they have a lot of promotions in March, more real promotion information, you can pay attention to the official website of Hostpapa, they will give tips.

  14. Hi there, thank you for sharing about this promo. Just to clarify that this offer is just limited to domain names. Is this only for new domains? If I already have a domain but it is almost time to renew, can I still take up this offer? You also mentioned risk free transfer which I am quite interested in. So if I register with Hostpapa for $2.99 and then transfer it out to a different registrar, is that going to be free or is it going to cost me money? 

    • Hello, Abrell

      This promotion is only applicable to new domain name registration. If it is renewed, you cannot enjoy this discount.

      After registering with Hostpapa, you can transfer the domain name to another domain registrar, but the transfer price will be charged according to the new domain registrar. For example, if you transfer a domain name registered in Hostpapa to namesilo, it only costs $8.99, new customers can use the nameilo discount code: MECG982A, save $ 1 when transferring in, it only costs 7.99.

      The cheapest domain name registrar mentioned in another post, you can read here.

  15. Thanks for sharing this informative article about “ HostPapa ” with us. A friend had told me how happy he was about HostPapa about 4 months ago but I never took interest to research about them. Now I am thinking to buy a domain at cheapest cost. Now I know current price of $ 2.99 only applies to purchases made before March 22. Thanks for sharing such useful info

  16. Thanks for bringing in this price for domain and web hosting from HostPapa. I can see that it’s cheap. However, if you want to host your website with Hostpapa then you can enjoy that price.

    If you want to buy a domain from Hostpapa and host your website to another web host, the domain price fro the succeeding years will be different.

    My question is, with that price for domain and web hosting, is it really mean for an online business or there upsells that will provide you all the things you needed to run your website efficiently?

    • Hello, Abagatan

      My answer is: Half Yes, Half No.
      Domain and web hosting means the beginning of the online business, but in fact, online business needs to do a lot of work to carry out, and it will take a lot of time.

      The additional products required to simply run a website can now be provided by most hosting companies. The difference between them is who’s service is better and who’s faster, so we need to choose a host based on business needs. However, I personally think that the host provided by Wealthy affiliate can fully meet my online business needs. If you want to buy a host, my suggestion is that you might consider Wealthy affiliate hosting.

  17. Thank you for writing such an amazing article that is about selling the domain at the lowest possible price in Hostpapa. At first, I was a little shocked by the amount of money, and after seeing the whole article, I realized that Hostpapa had offered a surprise. I do not know if anyone is selling domain and hosting for such a low price at 2.99$.To take the hustle and bustle of Hostpapa’s offer, I will tell everyone around me who wants to buy a hosting and domain, especially students. I also need hosting and domain so I can buy domain and host from here without seeing any other site.Finally thank you so much for sharing with us an amazing article.

    • Hello, Md. Asraful Islam

      It should be noted that this is just a promotion from Hostpapa. Once March 22nd, the registration price of the domain name will be restored to the original price.
      Finally, Thank you. Have a nice day.


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